The past month has been a great growing time for our family as God has shown His goodness and power in our lives. We have been in a transition phase since soon after the first of the year from First Baptist Church in Durham to wherever God would have us. We are now at the end of the membership process at Open Door Baptist Church in North Raleigh (about 10-15 minutes from our house).
We loved First and did not want to leave. We had made wonderful friendships there and had learned so much from the outstanding, godly pastoral staff; however, it did not make sense to us to drive such a long distance when gas prices and life with a little one would prevent us from being more involved than going for worship on Sunday mornings. We knew we needed to be more active not only in Bible study, but also in ministry. Open Door is definitely where God wants us at this season in our life. We are very excited about what God is doing in and through both churches, and we're thankful to be part of the ministry at Open Door while we will continue to pray for the work in Durham.
Dwayne Milioni, the senior pastor, is a great expositional preacher. He is preaching through Hebrews right now. We'd encourage you to listen to his sermons on the church's website:
Our care group is wonderful!! We have an amazing group of people. We're all around the same age, but we have a good mix of couples, families and singles as well as seminary and non-seminary folks. We are a new group, but we are already building strong, loving relationships. We pray for each other, share with one another, minister to one another and involve ourselves in each others' lives. God is really working in our hearts and lives, and it's exciting to see what He is doing and how he brought each of us together to form this group for a particular reason.
One of the best parts of the care groups at Open Door is the emphasis on outreach in our community. Each group is required to have at least one ongoing ministry or outreach. Examples of these opportunities include hosting a blood drive at the church, adopting Durant Nature Park, assisting in local schools and holding free oil changes for the cars of single or elderly women. We joined with another care group to adopt the elementary school next door to the church. We took food in for a teacher appreciation day and plan on doing other things once school gets back in session.
We had our care group members over to our house on July 3 for a cookout and then to hand out "goodie bags" and minister to the people who came to the hill behind our house to watch the fireworks. This turned out to be a wonderful experience for each of us because it took us out of our comfort zones and we have heard some encouraging reports already of the effects of our outreach. We have had other opportunities on individual levels for witnessing to individuals in our community, and we're praying together for salvation for these people as well as further opportunities to share the Gospel.
Allie continues to get bigger and stronger every day. She is walking constantly now. Tony described the way she walks best: She looks like a tiny drunk person who's trying too hard to not look drunk! She still just has six teeth even though those two on the bottom have been looking like they're about to pop through for a couple of months. She loves to brush her teeth, though!! She gets very excited and does a great job of brushing them BY HERSELF!
She is getting more and more fond of reading books. She does a great job of turning the pages when I tell her. We have our favorites that we read most often. One of the books is "Guess How Much I Love You." The last sentence is "I love you right up to the moon...and back!" Well, Allie knows that sentence and anytime I say it to her, she gets a huge grin on her face. We've starting going to the local library for story time for her age group on Tuesday mornings. We've only been twice so far, but she has really enjoyed it both times.
One of her new games is to put food or toys in our mouths. She also likes "giving" us her toys--of course, she wants them back!!
She loves to look out the window; in fact that's what she's doing right now as I'm typing this! She also loves the water--bath time, time in her little pool in the backyard, splashing her hands in the fountain on campus or fun in a REAL pool!! She's quite a little fish! I wish we could go to the big pool more often. We've only been once, but have plans to go to one near our house with some friends soon.
I'm sorry for such a lag between posts; but I have been doing a lot more Bible reading, as well as concentrating on these outreach opportunities. Please pray that we will continue to grow in Christ and desire His Word, that our marriage would become stronger and more founded on Him, that we will be godly parents to Allie and that God will continue to mold us as we prepare for vocational ministry one day. Also, please pray for our care group--that we will continue to grow closer to God and one another and that God would use us in the church and in the community in a mighty way.
Well, here are a few pictures from the past month. We've only had one photo shoot with Allie since last time, but I'm still hoping for a few more very soon!!
First cheese sandwich--or what's left of it!!
She loves the fridge; probably because she loves food!!
Allie is very, very strong. She loves to pick up heavy things, like packages of diapers. Last night, she picked up AND WALKED WITH a three pound dumbbell!!
Tony had a good Father's Day. We gave him a photobook full of pictures of him and Allie.
Laundry day--yes, she's wearing Joy's T-shirt!
She'd much rather drink out of our cups than her sippie cup.
This is a very rare moment--Allie's not big on cuddling!
Some pics from our July 4th shoot:
Such a beautiful baby!!
This is her pulling diapers out of the caddy:
1 comment:
Praise God, Sister!!! I'm so happy to see how far the Lord has brought you are and where you all are going in Him.
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