Saturday, February 16, 2008

Fun with a Friend

We seem to have made a little breakthrough with the teething issues. Still no teeth, but Allie took THREE naps yesterday and is taking her second one today. She woke up five times last night, but went back to sleep fairly quickly each time.

Another thing to brag about--Allie has not eaten her oatmeal well in the mornings ever; but this morning we tried something new. Instead of nursing her right after she woke up and then feeding her the oatmeal and fruit mid-morning, we fed her first thing. She ate one tablespoon of the oatmeal (that's all I had mixed up given past attempts), a whole jar of applesauce and 1/3 of a container of pear-pineapple! Wow!! To date, Allie has eaten rice cereal, oatmeal, pear-pineapple, applesauce and sweet potatoes. She hasn't rejected any of it, but her clear favorites are the applesauce and the sweet potatoes.

Here are a few pictures of Allie playing with her little friend Wyatt. This was last Wednesday (2/6) when she crawled for the first time--clearly showing out for her little "boyfriend." They had fun showing off for and looking at each other. They even held hands! (Tony wasn't too thrilled about that when he heard and plans to have a serious discussion with Mister Wyatt!)

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