Wednesday, May 9, 2007

What a baby wants...

This past weekend Tony and I began the registry process for little Allie. It's amazing how much stuff such a little baby needs! From transportation (strollers, car seats) to luxury bedding (cribs, mattresses) to elegant dining (highchairs), Allie should be welcomed into the world in style!
Then there are toys! OK, so daddy and mama had a little bit more fun there than Allie may for a while...what can I say? I absolutely love all the teething books, the noise-making books, the touch and feel books and the bi- and tri-lingual books!! Yes, I'm into the whole bi-lingual, learning toy thing--don't worry, they're cool toys, too. Our daughter won't be a geek--she'll be a really cool smart baby!
Then there are clothes! Girls do have a lot of cute things, but we didn't go overboard on that. We mainly registered for the necessities for the first six months--onesies, hats, socks, etc. We only put a handfull of cutsie things on there--it's hard to find the right styles for the season of when she would be able to wear it. And, in the early months, she will be growing so fast--there's no sense in getting too many floofy things that she can only wear for a week or two.
Well, the registry process was a lot of fun for us. We would highly recommend it. If you want to read more registry details, complete with pointers, check out a recent blog I posted to my MySpace site: Also, in case you would like to check out our choices, you can view both our registries online: Babies R Us ( and Target (

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