Monday, January 7, 2008

Allie's an Eating Machine

Last night we started Allie on rice cereal. She did great! At first, she switched back and forth from looking confused to frustrated to upset to curious. About halfway through the meal, she started smiling and really getting into eating from her spoon. She even tried to hold the spoon!! She ate half the cereal I mixed up before getting a little antsy, so I take that as a great accomplishment!

Below are some pictures from her first meal and then some miscellaneous ones. Enjoy!

A couple of signs that Allie was ready to start eating solids were her desire to chew on everything within a mile radius of her mouth and the early signs of teething, including enjoying a refrigerated teething ring. Also, Allie has been sitting in her highchair while Tony and Joy eat dinner every night since after Christmas.

Getting ready for a nap...she's finally taking two!!

Allie's discovered her feet make good toys!

Allie loves her Daddy, and she likes to pull his beard!

Beautiful Baby!!

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